Mission - Vision - Values


Our mission is to cultivate a community of all peoples who know, love and share Jesus with our world — one person, one neighborhood and one city at a time.


Our vision is to be people from every walk of life pleasing God by depending on Jesus to set right relationships with God and others.

In other words, we desire to be a multicultural church with a reputation for loving people.



God loves us because of who He is and what Christ has done, not because of who we are or what we have done. (Luke 15, Rom. 5.8)


God desires to transform us into the likeness of Christ by the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit, we can choose to respond to God’s desire. (Rom. 8.29; Eph. 4.21-24)

Trust & Transparency

We are able to share our burdens and brokenness and care for one another because of our mutual need for God’s love & grace. (Gal. 5.13-15; Gal. 6.1-3)


Family is how we see and care for one another - how we interact with one another relationally. (Mk. 3.35; 1 Tim. 5.1-2)


Jesus is made known and experienced through different perspectives: ethnicity, age, and culture. Through Christ, we can be reconciled
to others. (Rev. 7.9-10; John 4.3-42; Eph. 2.11-19)

Service & Outreach

In the name of Jesus, we care for others as God has cared for us. (Mt. 25.34-40; 2 Cor. 1.3-5)